The New Water Facility in Matata Supplies Clean Water to 180 Households

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On December 30th, 2019, the community of Matata and the Jesuit Social Service (JSS) inaugurated the newly established water facility that was constructed through close collaboration between the people in the community themselves and the JSS team. The residents of Matata were very enthusiastic on that day to welcome the local authorities and the Director of JSS, Father Albino Gonçalves, SJ that was there also to bless the facility. Indeed, it was a celebration of contentment for the community to have clean water available near their houses, which means a life changing and a solution to 180 households that in the past had been struggling in getting clean water for their daily needs.

Before the establishment of the water facility, each and every household in the area struggled and found it very difficult to get clean water for their daily needs. For several years, the community of Matata did not have access to clean water supply. Also, given the long dry season, the community struggled so much in getting water for their needs. Many water sources and streams dried out and all the households could only get water from the stream down at the bottom of the hill that is far from their houses. One could not imagine how hard it was for all the houses to go and fetch water from only one source. Many elders, children, women and men had to line up every day to fill up their water containers to bring home for cooking and washing.

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Inauguration of Water Facility in Tuhilo Kraik

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On February 23rd, 2019, the community of Tuhilo Kraik celebrated the inauguration of the newly established water facility, which was administered by the Jesuit Social Service (JSS) in close collaboration with the local residents. This is a remarkable achievement and will be highly beneficial for this community in helping them access clean water without having to walk distances and using plastic containers to fetch water.

Before the establishment of the water facility, many households in the community of Tuhilo Kraik had to spend many hours just to fetch water for their daily needs. That was because they had to walk through rugged terrains and carry their plastic containers or bamboo containers to get the water from the fountain. Some of them used bamboo as pipes to canalize water to the nearest distance to their house, but this method was not effective and did not last very long. The bamboos were not steady to hold the water flow and many times the had to redo everything.

This community project is made possible through the generous support of Jesuit Mission Australia. Our deepest gratitude to the many donors and friends who supported the Jesuit Mission campaign to support this project.

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Lent – Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting


“ Jesus said to his disciples: “Take care not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father. When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets win the praise of others. Amen, I say to you, they have received their reward”. The reading today introduces the three chief acts of Jewish piety – almsgiving, prayer, and fasting. In each act the logical structure is the same :

1. A warning not to do the act to be praised by human beings,

2. Instruction on how to perform the act of piety secretly, and

3. The assurance that the Father who sees in secret will reward openly.

Pope Francis : “No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by an advantage to others.” The picture above suggests fasting that can benefit our planet. Matthew 6:1-6


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